lsbear85's SNAP Trade -192.20

Trade Detail

lsbear85's SNAP Trade -192.20

Trade Details


Feb. 3, 2022, 4:18 p.m.



Swing Trades,


TD Ameritrade




SNAP - View rating





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Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
0.06075 0.0127 0.0 4,000.0 243.0 -79.09% -192.20 -192.20

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Earnings swing.  My calls overnight looked like they were going to print big time.  I was wrong, the bad news that was suppose to come out today about payroll numbers was actually positive so the MM used the yield to bring tech down.  My options are going to expire worthless today and the stock moved 50% up from the night before.

What to take away from this experience:

Option swings need more time on earning plays or 0DTE have to be in the money or within 3 strikes from the money

Stop trying to hit home runs and focus on what I can control

My position was not large at all, but this trade was disappointing as it should have been profitable..

Last minute push at the end of the day allowed me to clear 1 penny on my contracts so on a positive note I will roll the contracts.


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
Feb. 03, 2022 16:18:19 Entry 2,000.0 0.0615 None None
Feb. 03, 2022 17:06:46 Entry 2,000.0 0.06 None None
Feb. 04, 2022 17:42:16 Exit 4,000.0 0.0127 None None

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