Date: 11/9/23

Goal: (One Thing you Are Trying to Improve upon)

Exit Strategy

Grade: (How Well Did you Achieve your Goal) 

B - Getting chopped up on TPST before the target was hit, managed risk well

Morning Temp: (Emotions, Sleep, Energy)

Slept well and ready to fight

Overview for Each Ticker: (Chart Screenshots, news, stats, General Performance, etc)

Ticker & Sector: TPST - Biotech

News: none

Float: 7.68m

Intraday Chart:

Daily Chart:

Details: This was another stock that made a big move in the past and was curling up from the lows. Similar to LIPW yesterday. It did make a decent move but it was very whippy and chasing this one could have gotten you into trouble. I was able to trade a quick gap and go the first 2 mins of market open, and then got the second breakout and made a small green day. The 180day chart was key to identifying this opportunity for a move up to 4$ which would clear out and late shorts to the party on the initial move. We would have shorts taking profits, late shorts cutting losses, and bulls buying off support.  This was a purely technical setup today based on larger time frame. Dead cat bounce.


Ticker & Sector: ASTR - aerospace

News: Company offered to sell their stock to ASTR

Float: 12m

Intraday Chart:

Daily Chart:

Details: The catalyst was weak, I was looking for continuation on this but took too many paper cuts at the highs before it finally went. This ticker was weak premarket, I did the right thing by cutting losses fast. At the open this ticker had strength but I was busy trading TPST and was not looking at this. I definitely made more on tpst than I would have on ASTR because of the difference in range. I perform better with a larger range. 




Negative Accuracy, but 1:2 risk reward. These are great stats if i could get my accuracy up a bit. The risk reward is great and I use to have a 1:1 or negative but seems that my experience is starting to take effect and I am able to identify the setups to hold and the setups that I need to cut fast.

Easiest Trade(s) of the Day: (if you traded it, what were your entries/exits) (how did you trade it)   

TPST break of VWAP was very clean, clear entry and exit. Potential of 10% profit on this move. I sold before target out of fear of flush. 

What I learned or Improved upon today:

Identifying Technical Plays off the Larger time frame, took my advice from LIFW yesterday and applied it today. 

Changes I need to Make: 

Holding for target, TPST had a target to 4

Youtube Recap: