
    -Lets put the market into context a little. So we are stuck in this huge range and I have been saying for days now that I think whichever direction we break out to will be first trapped in the opposite side. So that means that if we were going to go long we will sweep the lows then go long, same idea with shorts. In the premarket we swept the lows and unemployment as well as payroll data came out. This gave us a very nice 5 point spike higher that actually held somewhat into the market open. 


1d:2m Call Option Trade (webull)

    -I knew that once we swept the lows that it was going to be a grinding green day the entire day. At the open we failed epicly and got right back to previous day close. I tried to enter in the futures market right at previous day close which was the low of day but i hesitated and was left in the dust. Since I missed that trade I figured that it wouldnt be an awful idea to risk the low of day in a call option trade and then have a large target of high of day since I was of very very high conviction that we were going to achieve that given the state of the market. I bought the call option right before PMI so that I was sure that I wouldnt be getting in way too late if the market was going to actually go breakout through high of day. This worked extremely well and PMI immediately spiked the market much higher and I was sitting pretty. I had my brackets set on my call option and I moved the sell limit up very high because I thought I would have time to move it if the market had actually gone up that much. Sadly I forgot to move the limit sell and I sold the trade for a 65 dollar profit. This is still a good trade but my entire thesis was that we were going to breakout of high of day and continue to grind green throughout the session. I sold this trade for 65 dollars and the actual profit as of only 11:14am today wouldve been upwards of 200 had I held for high of day. This is extremely depressing given that I had a straddle play overnight and lost 85 on that trade just to take my profits very fast on the call option webull daytrade. I missed out on almost triple the profits that I had and it was all just from a mistake. I need to pay much closer attention to these moves when I am in them because what is the point of the thesis and prediction if you cant even manage the trade properly in the first place. 

1d:2m Futures Trades

    - Here we have the futures market where I take 90% of my daytrades. In my first trade I shorted with full intention of a 3 point maximum scalp. I took the short right at the previous high of day and caught a nice 15 dollar move but moments later we immediately spiked way higher. I was happy to have gotten out green due to pretty much luck and luck alone. After this I realized that my thesis from this morning of sweep the lows and recover to grind green all day was SPOT ON. I tried to think to myself "how do i get in this grinding move" and the answer was the fake trend reversal trade. I havent taken this trade setup many times but when I see it it always works. It only happens on grinding green days which is why I avoid it 99% of the time. We broke the uptrend and pulled back very nicely. I entered and took a 2 point loss and sold PERFECTLY at the low of the green candle. In hindsight I shouldve held a second longer but I wanted to hold for either the breakout or bailout and we ended up breaking below my entry candle so i wanted out. Right after this we had a 20 point move to the upside that I could not take part in unless I chased which i never do. That was a big bummer. Right after this we had another really clean trend continuation trade labeled (you fucked up again) and I didnt really want to trade it because it didnt pullback the whole way to the previous HOD so I avoided it but AGAIN that was another 10 point move to the upside. In my last trade I shorted a frontside move which always ends in losses so I stopped trading because that was 2 losses back to back. 


How did I miss out on my home run chances today?

    -This was one of those EXTREMELY RARE opportunities where my thesis was correct and the market offered a few opportunities to test out the thesis. I executed nicely on the call option at first but completely botched the sell order which I was intending to hold all day but instead it sold without me even realizing what I had done. Secondly, I failed to execute properly on the clean frontside moves that occurred back to back in the futures market. I shouldve been more willing to go long given that we perfectly illustrated to the entire market that today was going to be a grinding green day. I have known this for a full day and I had high conviction of it occuring so why cant I just put my balls to the wall and go for it? I dont know what else I need to do to really understand the importance of nailing these days but I totally screwed this one up and yes I made money so I am happy but I shouldve made way more. I dont want to just get complacent and think "ahh its okay you made money." NO, this is not okay whatsoever. Leaving 3x my profits on the table is a fundamentally flawed process and execution problem. I cannot do this often if I want to be a profitable daytrader.