Well I took 3 losers for 10 points then made it all back in 1 trade so that is good R but terrible execution of trades. I shouldve avoided the first 2 trades for many reasons. I will go over all depth and breadth indicators that were telling me to not short even though I didnt listen and tried to short anyway.

    First 2 trades were just pure stupidity. We are in a frontside with many other indicators telling me to not take a short.


VOLD ratio

    - Each arrow is where i took my trades. The first and second arrow are me taking trades the moment that we come a little bit off of 3 on VOLD. This is pointless becuase if the vold is decreasing that is not nearly enough of a reason to take a short. It was still at nearly 3x up to down volume so why would I go short? Once we make that one last spike higher where we went to nearly 3.5 and immediately resumed the downtrend that was a clear sign that buying is massively slowing and they are getting somewhat exhausted. When buyers step in like that and we cant move higher whatsoever that is 100% exhaustion. I need to either wait for VOLD to be negative and go short or it has to be in a clear backside move. No more shorting when we are pressed up against the 3 level


ADD Line

    - ADD opened pressed up against the 2000 level so strong buy momentum as well. I took my first trades while the ADD was still holding above opening values and we were still uptrending. I took a short basically right as the ADD found support to continue higher. Again once we go backside and break opening price that is when it makes more sense to go short. 



    - Again TICK holding above 0 while shorting is bad bad idea. When it starts to hold BELOW zero then we get more clean momentum to downside.