If I was going to become even more proud of who I am, and I was going to live more congruent with that vision of myself, I would have to start…

    - spending more time mediatating and being extremely present in reality. I spend too much time now being angry about things that I cannot control but when I learn to let go of those I truly am just overjoyed to simply exist hahhaa. If I start meditating more I can achieve that somewhat quickly I think. 


If I was going to become even more energized and healthy so that I had the mental, emotional, and physical energy and stamina I needed to achieve my purpose over the long term, I would have to start…

    - Eating less sugar and eating anything that is deemed bad for my gut. This is specifically hard because I love edibles so I get the munchies but if I found a way to curve that urge then this would be quite easy. I also should workout even harder than I do now. I workout pretty damn hard already but I think going on more runs, bike rides, different types of lifting, core exercises, etc. then I really could workout my heart to the next level.



If I was going to have more authentic, intentional, and meaningful relationships with all the people around me, I would have to start....

    - Spending less time consuming pointless content and more time asking questions to the people I love. I enjoy not speaking largely because its somewhat tiring to spend a full day at work then have to talk and have deep discussions once the day is over. I need to find a way to avoid that and make sure I have energy to do important things with the people that I cherish the most. I want to spend less time on screens and more time with those people doing things that make us happy. 


If I was going to start feeling more cared for and appreciated by those around me, I would have to ask people to ... (think of specific people and write what you need to communicate to them to feel better cared for)

    - To anyone: I need to communicate more that I need space sometimes to decompress from the stress of trading and it has nothing to do with them and really all to do with me. 




If I was going to create more ideas and things that energized my mind and passions, I would have to start…

    - Creating a plan to build more things. It seems as though the moment I start cleaning up the garage and create a beautiful workshop then it will be much easier to do more of these projects that I enjoy. I also need to make sure I am looking for opportunity in all arenas and not only trading. I could energize my mind more by consuming content that is more based on the universe and the world at large instead of only poker and trading.


If I was going to feel like I was making a real difference and living more purposefully each day, some ways I could start contributing, or areas I could contribute in, include…

    - Teaching other traders the commonalities amongst people who are in the same level as me. I think there would be a ton of value seeing me trade and I need to make more youtube videos of that exactly so that I can create a faithful community and we can all work together. I also need to just meditate a lot more so that I can become more patient and accepting of all of lifes curveballs. I want to start really appreciating life like I used to (before trading lol). I need to understand that living is all about reacting to everything in a positive way and its not about forcing a reality to be a certain way. I cant change the world but If I change myself then inherently the world itself will change.



If I was going to deliver greater excellence in my life and develop real mastery of specific skills, I would have to start…

    - Truly going over every single reason why I take every trade I take and understanding the deeper reasons behind the decisions I make in trading. 

        -When am I fomoing, When was there no setup, When was I angry that I was wrong and kept trading the same thesis creating a loop of pain and stubborness. 

    - MEDITATE hahha


If I was going to enjoy my life even more and experience greater presence and meaning in my everyday life, I would have to start…

    - MEDITATING...Truly though if I meditated and was willing to just have anything happen at any moment with no care about the uncontrollable environment we call LIFE then I would be unstoppable.