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August Recap

  1. Choppy month
    • 6,544.51 (Day Trading) + 1,376.70 (swings) = $7,921.21
    • Some very good action some multi days lulls
    • Lot's of traveling and new trading locations. Very exhausted.
  2. Profitable Day Trading Patterns by Ranking:
    1. Ranging 3,396.35
      • really good profit margin which means I didn't give back much profits 47%
    2. Frontside 2,853.23
      • really bad profit margin which means I gave back wayy too many profits 19%
    3. Backside 294.94
      • Not really worth exploring did less than 8.02% of my trades backside. No big wins or losses.
      • 16% profit margin also really bad
  3. Day Trading Stats Thoughts:
    1. A 61.42% win ratio isn't the highest and below my average. I think this came with trying to get big winners in a mixed market. I was averaging higher when that wasn't always the best play (especially on gappers below 40%). Slightly negative r/r also not ideal but normal. What is the most nutorious is the super low profit margin of 27%. That explains why I was feeling like I was doing one step forward and one step back. I was giving back loads of profit. I'm not dialed in with my trading and probably means I need to scalp more a opposed to adding higher on a not so hot market.


October Forecast

Day Trading

  1. Stick to frontside
    • go big only over 40% otherwise take profits
  2. Scalp like no tomorrow when ranging

Swing Trading

  1. I'm fully allocated. Many time's I'm up 20-30% but then the ticker pulls back down to break even. It's a big waiting game.