February 3, 2025 (2 Trades) (+$128.75)

Overall Grade: B+

Day Summary: I felt pretty good stepping into the market today, and felt like i had a pretty good read on the price action. I did FOMO my entry on my first trade but I quickly realized I was likely right on the direction of the trade so I was able to add a 3rd contract at the level I should have originoally entered at. That was a decent trade to start the day and then I was able to get a quick scalp a few minutes later because I felt that I had a good read on the price action. I then missed a third good short opportunity just a couple minutes after my second trade and decided to close up shop for the day because I had already made some decent money and could feel a slight but of FOMO creeping in from the missed 3rd trade.



5 MIN - ES


Short 3 Contracts @ Range Fakeout + Intuition

Grade: B+

  • First entry was a bit of FOMO, add when where entry should have been - good add though
  • felt confident that I was on the right side of this trade (Range Fakeout) and because of that, I was comfortably able to hold the 3 contracts through the chop
  • I knew that if I got the drop I was looking for, it would be smart to take profit at the 21 ema because it would likely pop right back up after baiting in shorts - it did
  • I want to recognize how comfortable this trade felt, even when it was consolidation. If a trade doesn't feel like that, I should likely just get out and wait for a better opportunity

FIX: Don't FOMO. I have been FOMOing my entries lately and I really need to remember that it is usually not worth it

Trade 2 - Short 2 Contracts @ Intuition + Momentum + 21 Ema Reject + Fakeout

Grade: B

  • very fast scalp here going in the direction of the momentum
  • fake pop right up to 21 ema - good entry
  • immediately green on this trade, I don't think it ever went red
  • tried to take off 1 contract and accidently took off both (still not exactly sure how I did that so I need to be careful moving forward)
  • planned target for this trade was actually 5956 which it did eventually hit, but a more conservative TP would have been 5961.75
  • I missed the next attempt for this trade just 3mins later and I did feel like I should go for it, but just didn't execute and after that realized it was best to just call it a day because I probably would have had more FOMO and most likely went and lost all my morning profits