Quick Info


August Recap

  1. Choppy summer month
    1. 2,614.05 (swings) + 7,817.39 (Day Trading) = $10,431.44 profit
    2. $100K in trading profits
  2. Summer Months In General Not Good
  3. Profitable patterns
    1. Frontside only profitable
    2. Backside & Ranging Red
    3. Indicating hotter market
  4. Running P&L thoughts
    1. Snag the one frontside and run
    2. Be patient & wait till it comes


September Forecast

Day Trading

  1. Multi-day runners are getting bigger SPRT
  2. Summer over! Back to trading
  3. Trading longer could start paying off (multiple frontsides)

Swing Trading

  1. Slowly reducing swing trades. Best to be focused on a few and really nail the moves.
  2. Buy on tickers that have started to trend back up from their bottoms
  3. Buy near bottoms that have shown to be support with stops in place
  4. Lot's of hype around a september boom for crypto